Manny and I went to Godby High School's Senior Awards last night at Godby's Jeff Bradford Auditorium and gave away a total of $2,250 in AGG Legacy Scholarship money to every qualified senior who applied.
The Association of Godby Graduates (AGG) was founded in 2003 as an academic booster club to foster, recognize and reward lifetime community service and academic excellence, and I have already told its story in Association of Godby Graduates -- History and Update. Our purpose is to raise money for scholarships for deserving Godby seniors and we had a very successful fundraising year, thanks to generous donations from alumni and their families, and the hard work of members of the AGG.
I was privileged to have personally met the scholarship recipients at various alumni events throughout the year, at Godby's homecoming football game, at the Godby soup kitchen in wintertime, at the Springtime Tallahassee parade, and at the National Honor Society banquet the AGG hosted last month. It was a pleasure to become acquainted with these leaders of tomorrow. The earnest excitement on their faces Tuesday night was plain for all to see, but most of all they were respectful to us old-timers and grateful.
I will not pretend that today's high school graduates have it any better or worse than I did when I graduated many years ago, but technological advancements in the intervening years have eliminated impediments that would otherwise prevent us from remaining in contact with fellow alumni. I am hopeful that many will join the AGG and continue the work we began not so long ago.
Hats off to the Class of 2011 Godby Cougars, and to all young men and women graduating in the coming days.
The best is yet to come!

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